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Working as Technical Lead in CollabNET software private limited.

Friday 4 April, 2008

Facing problem with X11

I've faced some problem with X11 forwarding. Then I analsyed the X process using ps -ef | grep X

I found the X process initialized has the argument--nolistentcp. Actually this prevents the tcp connection for X11. So make sure this is disabled in gdm.conf.

I came to know there is a entry in /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf which prevents the TCP connection.

after altering the "DisallowTCP"=false.

and restart the X windows.

To restart X windows CRTL + ALT + backspace or restart the system.

Tuesday 1 April, 2008

This made my totem movie player works

Struggled a long to make my totem player work, finally the ubuntuforumn gives a break,

Below is the apt-get I ran,
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras

To find opened ports in linux

After a long search I found the good way to search the opened ports in a machine.
It's nmap & netstat.


netstat -na | grep 6000

nmap -p 1-63335 localhost

The above command displays the ports opened in machine localhost.